IT Specialist Visits Library

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This past winter we were very lucky to have a local IT specialist visit our library to discuss technology careers with our 4th, 5th, and 6th grade library classes. Bill Mlacak  is a professional IT specialist with his own company based in Hanover, NH.  He is currently working for a bank in New Jersey and for Dartmouth College Web Services. Bill generously devoted a Wednesday morning to discuss with our 4th- 6th graders his long career in IT. He explained the coursework he studied from high school through college and the various positions he has held. The students had many questions for Bill and appreciated his help during our Hour of Code activities. Bill had recently seen the movie Most Likely to Succeed which is concerned with how education needs to change for jobs of the future. After watching the film, Bill felt it was important that he visit schools and share his expertise with young children.


Library Lunch Book Discussion

Students will gather on Wednesday, Mar. 30th (12-1pm),  for this month’s book discussion group. We will discuss Laura Marx Fitzgerald’s novel, Under the Egg.

About Laura Marx Fitzgerald



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