End of a the Year

The library has closed up for the summer. This year was filled with reading, computers, and fun! Our 6th graders have moved on to TA but I will be posting some of their “Exit Videos” they made during library class. Students were asked to interview one another on their 6th Grade “Hand-Paper Mache” projects. In groups of two, students took turns as interviewer and interviewee.

Student Exit Video #1

Student Exit Video #2

Student Exit Video #3


Some of the questions they asked each other about their art project were:

Interview Questions:

If you could display your work of art in any way you wanted, how would you like people to view it? On a table, near water, other objects, by itself?

Does this art project inspire you to create other art? If so, what other art would you like to create?

•What is your first one-word response?
•How does it make you feel?
•How was it made? What materials do you use?
•Is there a front and a back?
•Are you meant to look at it from different angles?

•Is it figurative (based on the human figure) or abstract (about color, shape and form)?

Are you happy with your finished art work? Is it what you wanted it to look like, if not, what would you change?


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