Voting Season

5th and 6th grade Library classes are learning about the 2020 U.S. election. We read Vote! by Elizabeth Christalow and discussed what role the electoral college has in deciding the winner of a U.S. presidential election. Afterwards, we held a mock presidential election. After all students’ votes were counted, we had a follow-up discussion on why some ballots were rejected and what may cause an election recount.
With so much information around candidates and the 2020 election, students learned that it is always important to ask questions about the media they encounter. Students need to ask questions about what they see, read, hear, and even when they create media.
1. Who created this message?
2. Which techniques are used to attract my attention?
3. How might different people interpret this message?
4. Which lifestyles, values, and points of view are represented — or missing?
5. Why is this message being sent?
(Thanks to Common Sense Education for these questions.)


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