Reading is Cool

3 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Read

  1. Provide access to a variety of books.

When children see that books are not just for bedtime, but for learning and exploring the world, they’ll begin a new journey toward exploring their many interests by selecting and reading a variety of books.

  1. Let kids choose their own books.

Kids enjoy the books they choose themselves. Start by asking your child about their current interests, and encourage them to read more books with these topics.

  1. Create fun rituals beyond read-aloud time.

There are several benefits of reading aloud with your child. However, more than 94 percent of parents save the read-aloud routine for bedtime, according to Scholastic’s Kids & Family Reading Report. Incorporate book discovery into other parts of the day, and your child will have more opportunities to reap the benefits of reading.

Looking for more tips? See all expert advice about establishing reading routines at home, including the benefits of reading to your child every night.

“3 Ways to Encourage Your Child to Read.” Scholastic, Scholastic Parents Staff, Oct. 2022,


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